Оптимизационное моделирование инвестиционного процесса развития отраслевой организационной системы гражданской авиации
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

Optimization modeling of the investment process for the development of the civil aviation sectoral organizational system

Borzova A.S.   Ivanov D.V.  

UDC 681.3
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.32.1.030

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The article discusses about formalized approach to investment processes managing for development of sectoral organizational system using modeling and optimization methods. The problem orientation of these methods is determined by the process peculiarities under research in the civil aviation sectoral organizational system. An agent-game model is proposed as a basic model of interaction between the control center and the objects of the organizational system in the investing process spheres of the industry development program. We discussed about the sequential solution necessity of two optimization problems with the investment process centralized management. It's formalized an optimization model of Boolean programming for the game problem associated with the set formation of objects included in the resource support for certain development program areas. Then it was shown second task namely interests agent-game coordination between control center and the objects of organizational system in investment resource implementation in order to optimally search for control center strategies set with a set of industry development basic indicators. Algorithmizing of making management decisions based on the listed optimization problems such as the integration of randomized search algorithms, a genetic algorithm with adaptive mutation, and a population particle swarm algorithm.

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Borzova Angela Sergeevna
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation

Moscow, Russian Federation

Ivanov Denis Vyacheslavovich

Voronezh State Technical University

Voronezh, Russian Federation

Keywords: sectoral organizational system, investment process, centralized management, agent-game modeling, optimization

For citation: Borzova A.S. Ivanov D.V. Optimization modeling of the investment process for the development of the civil aviation sectoral organizational system. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2021;9(1). Available from: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=940 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.32.1.030 (In Russ).


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Published 31.03.2021