Способ оценки пространственного положения воздушного судна вертолетного типа в снежном (пыльном) вихре
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

Method for assessing the spatial position of a helicopter-type aircraft in a snowy (dusty) the vortex

idMashkov V.G., Malyshev V.A. 

UDC УДК [621.396.96+53.082.74]
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.32.1.027

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

The most difficult and dangerous element of the flight of a helicopter-type aircraft is landing, and its implementation on an unprepared site in conditions of insufficient visibility is one of the key problems. Landing on an unprepared (undiscovered, unequipped) site may be caused by the need to deliver cargo, ammunition in combat conditions, search and rescue transactions, evacuation of the wounded, etc. The spatial position of the aircraft and its location are determined by the crew visually on the natural horizon, ground landmarks, as well as relative to other material objects and structures. When landing on snow-covered or dry ground, due to the air jet from the helicopter's main rotor, a solid suspended rises, which critically reduces horizontal and vertical visibility and can lead to an incorrect assessment by the crew of the helicopter's spatial position relative to the ground, in addition, they may remain unnoticed obstacles in the landing zone (large stones, moving and stationary objects) may remain unnoticed. At the same time, in low light conditions or in difficult weather conditions, buildings, structures, power line masts, trees, shrubs, etc. may be located in the landing zone. d. The helicopter landing on a dusty, sandy or snow-covered area may be accompanied by the creation of a dusty or snow vortex around it, which impairs visibility and reduces or eliminates the possibility of a visual approach. The proposed method for assessing the spatial position of a helicopter-type aircraft in a snow vortex in the Arctic zone relates to the field of aviation, in particular, to systems for ensuring the safety of landing a helicopter-type aircraft and can be used in the development of control systems for landing a helicopter-type aircraft on an unprepared (unequipped, undiscovered) site in conditions of insufficient information content of the space behind the cab about the spatial position for both manual and automatic control.

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15. Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation no. 128 of July 31, 2009 "On Approval of the Federal Aviation Regulations" Preparation and Execution of flights in Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation". Available at: https://base.garant.ru/196235/ (accessed 11.03.2021). (In Russ)

16. Pat. 2707275 Russian Federation, IPC G01S 13/94. Method of selecting a landing site for a helicopter-type aircraft / Mashkov V.G., Malyshev V.A.; applicant and patent holder of the MESC AF " AFA " (Voronezh). no. 2019100117; Application form 09.01.2019; Publ. 26.11.2019, Byul. no. 33.(In Russ)

17. Pat. 2737761 Russian Federation, IPC G01S 13/94. A method for assessing the possibility of landing a helicopter-type aircraft on a reservoir with snow and ice cover. Mashkov V.G., Malyshev V.A., Prokhorsky R.A.; applicant and patent holder of the MESC AF " AFA " (Voronezh). no. 2019138650; application no. 28.11.19; Publ. 02.12.2020, Byul. no. 34. (In Russ)

18. Patent application Russian Federation, IPC B64C 19/00. Method for assessing the spatial position of a helicopter - type aircraft. Mashkov V. G.; applicant and patent holder of the MESC AF " AFA " (Voronezh). no. 2020144296; application no. 29.12.2020. (In Russ)

Mashkov Viktor Georgievich
candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Email: mvgblaze@mail.ru

ORCID | eLibrary |

Military Educational-Research Centre of Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin»

Voronezh, Russia

Malyshev Vladimir Aleksandrovich
doctor of engineering, professor
Email: vamalyshev@list.ru

eLibrary |

Military Educational-Research Centre of Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin»

Voronezh, Russia

Keywords: snow swirl, snow and ice cover, snow-covered pad, spatial position, insufficient information content of the space behind the cab, helicopter-type aircraft.

For citation: Mashkov V.G., Malyshev V.A. Method for assessing the spatial position of a helicopter-type aircraft in a snowy (dusty) the vortex. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2021;9(1). URL: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=947 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.32.1.027 (In Russ).


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Published 31.03.2021