Keywords: coiled tubing, low-cycle fatigue, damage accumulation, cyclic stresses, kinetic theory of mechanical fatigue, equivalent stresses
Prediction of coiled tubing material residual life based on the kinetic theory of fatigue
UDC 621.539.43.001.24
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.40.1.017
Coiled tubing technologies are actively used in the process of well drilling and well intervention. During the operation of a coiled tubing unit, it is necessary to obtain a real-time assessment of the residual life of the installation equipment, in particular, the residual life of the coiled tubing. The main damaging factors of a flexible pipe include bending loads, internal pressure effects, axial impacts, exposure to aggressive media. The most important task of predicting the state of a coiled tubing is the construction of a mathematical model that allows the most accurate description of the process of fatigue damage accumulation under low-cycle loads. An analysis of the literature sources available for study showed that nowadays it is essential to develop methods and algorithms that enable assessing the knee fatigue of the flexible tubing material on a complex trajectory of movement where the pipe is subjected to bending loads with different intensities. The solution to this problem substantiates the development of a mathematical model that relates the calculation of damage in the area of low-cycle deformations, taking into account damage that has been previously kneeled. The purpose of this research is to develop methods and algorithms for constructing a predictive model of the current state of the coiled tubing material considering the accumulated damage based on semi-empirical models as part of the kinetic theory of fatigue. By means of the methods for constructing algorithms for processing data from low-cycle tests as part of the kinetic theory of fatigue and mathematical models for estimating the residual life of the test sample, the article proposes a solution that helps to calculate the damage parameter of the sample in the event of damage accumulation in various sections of the coiled tubing trajectory. The materials of the article are of practical value for researchers dealing with the problems of calculating the residual life of flexible pipes under the conditions of their cyclic deformation.
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Keywords: coiled tubing, low-cycle fatigue, damage accumulation, cyclic stresses, kinetic theory of mechanical fatigue, equivalent stresses
For citation: Ivzhenko S.P. Vdovin A.S. Pechenkin V.V. Rakcheev V.L. Prediction of coiled tubing material residual life based on the kinetic theory of fatigue. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2023;11(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.40.1.017 (In Russ).
Received 29.12.2022
Revised 31.01.2023
Accepted 03.03.2023
Published 31.03.2023