Разработка миварной экспертной системы для планирования ресурсов цеха и анализа отклонений
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

Development of a mivar expert system for planning shop resources and analysis of deviations

idVARLAMOV O.O. Zhang X.   Baldin A.V.   idMyshenkov K.S. Sidorenko E.V.  

UDC 004.89+007.52
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.46.3.017

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

To create mechanical engineering artificial intelligence, mivar technologies of logical artificial intelligence are used. The production process is often accompanied by a large number of events, and various types of deviations and interference directly or indirectly affect the stable and efficient operation of production, and also lead to a decrease in product quality. Predicting variances and disturbances in production planning is a research problem that is the basis of resource planning for production systems. There is a known approach to solving optimization problems of resource allocation of production systems based on the construction of logical inference in a mivar knowledge base, which represents a resource allocation plan. This paper analyzes the deviations and/or disturbances caused by production interference on the shop floor, namely materials, personnel, equipment, processes, and so on, and proposes a definition of production interference in the shop floor production environment. A significant degree of interference results in delays in product deliveries, reductions in quality levels and other deviations from the planned production plan. A mivar expert system has been developed to predict deviations in production processes after planning workshop resources. The expert system was developed using the software package KESMI Wi!Mi "Razumator". Deviations in the production environment were analyzed, a system of factors influencing deviations was established, and a corresponding mivar model for predicting production deviations in the workshop was built. The use of a mivar expert system effectively and quickly solves the problem of decision support based on flexible complex calculations when calculating weights. Therefore, the mivar expert system plays a critical role in predicting interference in the planning of workshop operations, significantly increasing the efficiency of the entire enterprise management system.

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Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Email: ovar@narod.ru

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Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Professor
Kartsev Research Institute of Computing Complexes, Chief Researcher

Moscow, Russian Federation

Zhang Xiangqian

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Moscow, Russian Federation

Baldin Alexander Viktorovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

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Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Professor
Kartsev Research Institute of Computing Complexes, Chief Researcher

Moscow, Russian Federation

Myshenkov Konstantin Sergeevich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

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Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Professor
Kartsev Research Institute of Computing Complexes, Chief Researcher

Moscow, Russian Federation

Sidorenko Evgeniy Vasilievich

Voronezh State Technical University

Voronezh, Russian Federation

Keywords: mivar networks, mivar expert system, decision support system, KESMI, razumator, big knowledge, optimization, distribution of production resources of the workshop, deviations in production processes

For citation: VARLAMOV O.O. Zhang X. Baldin A.V. Myshenkov K.S. Sidorenko E.V. Development of a mivar expert system for planning shop resources and analysis of deviations. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2024;12(3). Available from: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=1641 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2024.46.3.017 (In Russ).


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Received 22.07.2024

Revised 02.08.2024

Accepted 08.08.2024