Keywords: the radar information system, simulating interference, model measurements, decision support systems
UDC 004:623.618
In radar information systems (RIS), under the influence of simulating intentional interference, conditions arise that lead to uncertainty and make it difficult to make management decisions. To provide information support to the RIS operator in conditions of uncertainty, it is proposed to use a computer decision support system (DSS) integrated in RIS. With the help of this DSS, a part of the radar information displayed on the indicator is checked, which, in the opinion of the professional operator, raises doubts about what consists of air targets, and not false labels, formed by imitating interference. In the paper, the measurement model for the DSS is changed, taking into account the appearance in the RIS receiving channels of artificially generated phase coordinates created by simulating interference (single-parameter (single) or multiparameter (multiple) response and response with synchronous elimination). Also, the work of the algorithm for detecting interference conditions is described, which allows to automatically detect jamming situations, which in the final result positively affects the RIS operator and allows him to distinguish true air targets from false ones.
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Keywords: the radar information system, simulating interference, model measurements, decision support systems
For citation: Romanchuk V.A. Tolstykh A.V. ALGORITHM OF AUTOMATIC RECOGNITION OF INTERFERENCE SITUATION IN RADAR INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON MEASUREMENT MANAGEMENT. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2017;5(4). Available from: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2017