Keywords: modeling, radio access system, multiservice network, radio access technologies, telecommunication services
UDC 621.396
Telecommunications services are now widely used throughout the world. These services in the aggregate of individual multi-service networks. The problem of using telecommunications services is that it is not at all remote sites. And with this you can translate channels and communication lines. The purpose of the study is to create a radio access model to the resources of a multiservice communication network at the channel level. As a multiservice network, which provides such telecommunications services as: videoconferencing, IP telephony and data transmission. The network under investigation is built on the basis of the "Ethernet" technology, and a radio link using access, organized using one of the modern technologies of broadband wireless access. The received data presented on the site are presented in the following edition: In the MatLab software environment, the proposed radio access algorithm to the resources of the multiservice network at the second level of the reference model of the interaction of open systems (the channel level) is implemented. During the simulation, data were received on the load of the channel and on the number of delivered packets, which were displayed in the form of graphs. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that this model serves as an illustrative example of radio access research, showing that the result of the work, both successful and information packets are transferred between sources. The proposed model is of practical value, it is aimed at studying the influence of stochastic and deterministic processes that arise as third-party factors in the transmission of data over a radio channel, and also such a system, provided the radio access system.
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Keywords: modeling, radio access system, multiservice network, radio access technologies, telecommunication services
For citation: Ponachugin A.V. Gusev I.V. MODELING OF THE RADIO-DYNAMIC SYSTEM IN MULTISERVICE COMMUNICATION NETWORKS. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2018;6(1). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2018