Keywords: engagement, engagement assessment, educational software quality, learning system, engagement online- assessment, adaptive learning game
Adaptation to user engagement in an adaptive learning game
UDC 004.4
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2020.29.2.035
User engagement is one of the key indicators of the quality of interactive software (software), which is characterized by intense user interaction with the system. Training software belongs to the category of products, which, by definition, are based on interaction with the user, so the user's involvement in the process of his interaction with the training system directly affects the quality of the system. Modern trends in the development of educational software are associated with the personification of the processes of user interaction with the system, which has led to the emergence of adaptive educational systems that can monitor user actions and adapt to their capabilities and needs. User involvement has a significant impact on learning and directly affects the result, therefore, the level of user involvement in the process of its interaction with the training system, as an indirect assessment of the user's knowledge level, is applicable as a characteristic of the adaptation model in the development of adaptive learning systems. The results of the engagement analysis can be used to adapt the system aimed at retaining and increasing user engagement in the process of its interaction with the system, and thus improve its quality. The paper considers methods for assessing involvement and the possibility of their application to assessing the quality of educational software at different stages of its life cycle. The features of the use of online-assessment of engagement to adapt the learning process to the user in adaptive learning games are shown, related to the need to distinguish between involvement in the game and involvement in the learning process, and correlation of involvement and success in mastering knowledge in the game. Some possible combinations of assessments of the involvement and effectiveness of the user's knowledge level in the process of interaction with the educational game and their possible interpretations are proposed.
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Keywords: engagement, engagement assessment, educational software quality, learning system, engagement online- assessment, adaptive learning game
For citation: Shabalina O.A. Kataev A.V. Voronina A.A. Adaptation to user engagement in an adaptive learning game. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2020;8(2). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2020.29.2.035 (In Russ).
Published 30.06.2020