Keywords: education, information technology, virtual Computer Lab, risk management, operational risks, management of sociotechnical systems based on a risk model, digital transformation, cloud data center, modern management methods, digital learning
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.40.1.001
The article presents the results of a research on improving the management system of Virtual Computer Lab educational data center based on the conceptual model of operational risks. Virtual Computer Lab is an integrated assembly of virtualization and containerization hardware and software tools in the form of cloud services with an integrated knowledge management system. Virtual Computer Lab is used to master multicomponent information systems for developing students’ complex knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of IT in a classroom context and as part of independent learning. The knowledge management system and the principles of self-organization, which are the integral parts of Virtual Computer Laboratory, make it possible to create a homogeneous educational environment. For the reliability and durability of using the Virtual Computer Laboratory with a minimal downtime, an analysis of the impact of risks on its operation was carried out, and an approach to designing a risk management system was proposed. The approach considered in the article enables better assessment of performance bottlenecks of the Virtual Computer Lab as well as its key problems in a comprehensive manner, increase service uptime, enhance performance quality and reduce the number of failures by means of preventive mechanisms, successfully identify the risks that significantly affect its output and develop an effective system of measures to minimize them. The article discusses in detail such elements of risk management as risk identification and assessment, strategic risk management, risk monitoring and analysis, security and change management.
Keywords: education, information technology, virtual Computer Lab, risk management, operational risks, management of sociotechnical systems based on a risk model, digital transformation, cloud data center, modern management methods, digital learning
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.40.1.025
The paper regards the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of a beamforming algorithm in adaptive antenna arrays. The relevance of the research is due to the need to improve the noise robustness of signal reception in radio engineering systems. The gradient algorithm was chosen as a beamforming algorithm by the criterion of the normalized least mean square error criterion (NLMS), which has the lowest computational complexity, and its use of a variable adaptation step helps to ensure the convergence of the algorithm in terms of a priori unknown power of the input signal. This paper gives a mathematical description of the adaptive signal processing procedures and formulas for calculating the optimal weight vector that provide the best approximation of the input signal to the reference signal. Approximate methods that provide a practical realization of the optimal signal processing based on iterative algorithms in the form of the normalized minimum mean square error algorithm are considered. Examples of the antenna array directional diagram synthesis facilitating adaptive signal processing, implemented on FPGA, under different signal-interference conditions are presented. An acceptable agreement between theoretical and experimental data was obtained for all implementation cases.
Keywords: adaptive antenna array, radiation pattern, MSE adaptive algorithm, FPGA
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.40.1.012
A systematic interdisciplinary comprehensive study is presented. The object is the process of preparation and decision-making related to the implementation of the project to introduce an innovative product “vanadium flow redox battery stack”. The subject is a combination of methods of system analysis along with economic and mathematical methods to support the adoption of such a decision. The goal is the financial and economic support for the conditions of the project to introduce new products. For these purposes, a number of objectives were accomplished. A comprehensive model based on the product life cycle model has been developed, which enables the pre-project and project stages of project implementation with consideration to the model of product life cycle, distributed cash flow, calculation of the break-even point regardless of the time factor. The simulation results were compared, and the model verification and validation were evaluated. An algorithm has been developed, and calculations have been carried out for each stage of the model. In terms of practical significance, the obtained integrated result is a developed operational, adaptive, low-cost human-machine decision support system for choosing optimal options through simulation modeling. This system can be used as a template for both educational and production purposes, including formulating the requirements for technical and economic calculations as well as substantiation of objectives for the development of project materials. The scientific (academic) significance of the presented research is seen in the development of the author's original direction – the instrumental and methodological approach to the adaptation of the triple helix model in the context of Russia – at the meso-/micro-levels (in the sectoral / regional) cross-section.
Keywords: flow battery stack, system approach, system analysis, algorithm, human-machine system, simulation, life cycle, distributed cash flow, inflation, break-even point
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.40.1.015
The relevance of the study is due to the growing popularity of the sustainability issue over the past few decades. As a result of increasing consumption and production, the issue of environmental protection becomes particularly acute. Another consequence of this growth is that the stratification between the super-rich and the poor is deepening more and more leading to social problems. Limited resources pose new challenges to economic science. To solve the problems of sustainable development, it is necessary to design a system of integrated assessments of the state of sustainability or, in other words, methods of integral assessment of the state of sustainable development. In this regard, the article is devoted to the analysis of existing methods of system analysis and assessment of territorial sustainability of development. The evaluation criteria are analyzed in detail, their relevance to the task of assessing the state of sustainability, and the criteria for an effective integrated assessment of the sustainability of the region's development are formed on their basis. The methods of system analysis used in integral assessments as well as their methodological review are considered. As a result of the conducted research, methodological requirements for the design of an integrated assessment of the sustainability of development, as well as the necessary methods for conducting such an assessment, are formulated. The results of this study can give a grounding for the design of an integrated assessment of sustainability, sustainability of development, resource potential, as well as papers in the field of interdisciplinary research, including methods of system analysis, ecology, economics, sociology.
Keywords: integral criteria, complex models, development, sustainability, integral assessment, indicators of sustainable development
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2023.40.1.020
The analysis shows that cyber-physical systems together with cyber-biological and cyber-social systems are now considered as key elements in modern infotelecommunication systems. The concept of a cyber-physical system is based on a dualism of the physical and cybernetic environments. Due to the fact that the physical, biological and social environments are combined and cyberspace is further introduced, there are significant opportunities for the implementation of a wide variety of functions. At the same time, new problems appear, for example, those associated with modeling the processes within such systems. There is also the issue of monitoring within the cyber-physical system since the data can be missed. Therefore, this article aims to develop such a structure of a cyber-physical systems so that its efficiency would be as high as possible. The paper proposes a procedure for the formation of a rational structure of such a system. The components are chosen according to the principle of ranking components relative to their value from the system's point of view. Two types of constraints are used, the first of which are related to the area of the system in question, and the second are related to the technologies employed. At the initial stage, experts implement the choice of components of a cyber-physical system by means of the information system. Next, two selection procedures are applied. As the key result, a structural scheme related to the optimal choice of components of a cyber-physical system is suggested.
Keywords: cyber-physical system, structure, optimization, expert, information system