Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology accepts articles in Russian and English.
An article should correspond to the thematic scope of the journal. The editorial board reviews materials submitted by the authors only on condition of compliance with the terms of publishing and that the original manuscript meets the requirements established by the board.
The editorial board accepts (or rejects) the article for publication after the review and discussion.
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In reviewing the article, text reuse detection is carried out by means of Antiplagiat software. If multiple cases of matching content are identified, the board acts in accordance with COPE policies. Recommended originality level of the submitted material is at least 80 %.
1. Title which contains the main keywords. Abbreviations and formulae are not to be used.
2. Abstract which should be fully consistent with the article’s contents. Articles without abstracts are not accepted for review. Abbreviations, acronyms, formulae and references are not to be included in the abstract. An abstract’s length is 150-250 words. An abstract is presented as one paragraph. It is advised to follow the recommended structure for an abstract.
3. Keywords should be relevant to the subject of the article and reflect its subject and terminology area. The keywords are obligatory. Phrases that represent one term are considered as a single keyword. Abstract and multiple-meaning words are not to be used as well as phrases containing participle clauses.
4. Acknowledgments. This section is not obligatory. The author may express their appreciation to colleagues for their assistance, gratitude for financial support for the study. Information on financial support under various grants are often given instead.
5. The article should be structured. It is recommended to include sections that follow IMRAD format (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion), which is the most common organizational structure of scientific journal articles.
Introduction.This section contains the rationale of the research, literature review, thesis statement, the purpose and objectives of the research.
Materials and methods. This section elaborates on the methods used to obtain the results. Usually, the generalized scheme of the research is given first, then it is presented in more detail so that another competent specialist can reproduce it only aided by the text of an article.
Results. This section presents experimental or theoretical data obtained during the research. They are laid out in the form of tables, graphs, organization or structural charts, equations, photographs, pictures. Only facts are given. The interpretation, comparison with the findings of other researchers should be included in the Discussion Section.
Discussion. This section contains the interpretation of the findings, assumptions about the obtained facts, comparison of the results with those of other researchers. In the Discussion Section, an author transitions from the specific data in Methods and Results to generalized interpretation of the results.
Conclusion. This section contains main ideas of the article. Conclusions and recommendations are given and major areas of further research in the field are defined.
6. References. References in Russian and English are formatted in accordance with the requirements of The Vancouver system with the indication of DOI (if any) at the end of a reference.
All subheadings are center aligned without paragraph indention, the line before the subheading is left blank, 12 pt; the space between a subheading and the subsequent text is 6 pt.
Instead of leaving half a page blank, the text is moved before or after a picture.
References should be given in the text in ascending order using Arabic numerals in square brackets. All references in the text must match each source in the References Section.
It is recommended to refer to journal articles primarily included in Scopus/Wos international bases.
References (список источников) in Russian are formatted using a numerical list tool in Microsoft Word. The heading ‘СПИСОК ИСТОЧНИКОВ’ is typed in upper case, bold type.
REFERENCES in English are typed using the same fonts as in the Russian version.
About the authors. It is necessary to send information about the authors in Russian and English in a separate file: last name, full name, second name/patronymic, place of employment, position, academic degree and title, ORCID (if any), email or other contact details.
At the end of the article, information on all authors should be given in the form of a table with removed borders (Times New Roman, 11 font size) and with a heading (Times New Roman and 12 font size) using the format below.
Преображенский Андрей Петрович, доктор технических наук, профессор Воронежского института высоких технологий, Воронеж, Российская Федерация.
ORCID: 0000-0002-6911-8053
Andrey Petrovich Preobrazhenskiy, Doctor Of Technical Science, Professor Of Voronezh Institute Of High Technologies, Voronezh, Russian Federation.