Keywords: fuzzy logic, fuzzy system, air gun, fire fighting
UDC 004.92
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.24.1.028
The article describes the obtaining of mathematical model of technical object aircannons on the basis of methods of fuzzy logic. This topic is very relevant, because at the moment none of the existing automatic fire extinguishing systems does not provide a quick and effective elimination of fire with minimal losses. As a device for obtaining information, a thermal imager is used, which records an increase in temperature in the event of a fire and a drop in temperature in the event of a projectile entering the flame core. When the maximum value of temperature there is a change in the values of the launch angle and the control signal, adjusts the value of the pressure exerted on the projectile. Based on the formula for calculating the trajectory of the projectile, logical rules are drawn up, in which the input data are the launch angle and pressure, and at the output – the distance that the projectile will fly. The paper analyzes the characteristics of the behavior of the projectile and the result of its hit the target. On the basis of methods of fuzzy logic control system determines the area of the fire or maximizing the temperatures and calculates the rotation of the gun and distance for firing a projectile. For fire extinguishing installations (air guns) it is proposed to use an automated fire extinguishing control system based on the developed fuzzy rules.
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Keywords: fuzzy logic, fuzzy system, air gun, fire fighting
For citation: Migranov A.B., Maksyutov I.S. APPLICATION OF FUZZY LOGIC IN THE SYSTEM OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF PNEUMATIC GUN SHOOTING DURING FIRE FIGHTING. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2019;7(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2019.24.1.028 (In Russ).
Published 31.03.2019