Keywords: monitoring system, dynamic graph, graph coverage, stars, chains, stability radius, multicriteria optimization, structural dynamics, external influences
Some approaches to assessing the process of functioning of structural-dynamic monitoring systems under external influences
UDC 004.896, 519.1
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.35.4.005
Despite the great attention paid in modern works to the problems of organizing structural-dynamic monitoring systems, there are still topical issues related to ensuring their reliable functioning in the event of external influences. In this regard, this article is devoted to solving the problem of assessing the process of functioning of structural-dynamic monitoring systems from the point of view of possible changes in its composition and structure under conditions of external influences that affect the performance of the system's functions with the required characteristics. The proposed approach to solving this problem is based on the theory of graphs and discrete optimization methods, which make it possible to represent the process of the system's functioning as two interconnected particular problems: determining the optimal combination of the monitoring object-monitoring tool and bringing information to the end user. For the first particular problem, a multicriteria problem of covering a bipartite dynamic graph with stars is considered and an algorithm for its solution is proposed, and for the second, the application of algorithms with estimates to construct approximate solutions. As a criterion for assessing the upper bounds of changes in the characteristics of the system, at which it performs the assigned tasks in the required volume, it is proposed to use the concept of the radius of stability. On the basis of the analytical expression of the radius of stability, it is shown how to assess the stability of the optimal, according to the given criteria, variant of the composition and structure of the structural-dynamic monitoring system to changes in its characteristics as a result of external influences. The application of the results obtained in existing technologies for constructing structural-dynamic monitoring systems will increase the reliability and stability of the functioning of such systems.
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Keywords: monitoring system, dynamic graph, graph coverage, stars, chains, stability radius, multicriteria optimization, structural dynamics, external influences
For citation: Kazantsev A., Kochkarov R., Timoshenko A., Sychugov A. Some approaches to assessing the process of functioning of structural-dynamic monitoring systems under external influences. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2021;9(4). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.35.4.005 (In Russ).
Received 05.09.2021
Revised 04.10.2021
Accepted 03.11.2021
Published 31.12.2021