Keywords: construction, computer modeling, geological environment, stress-dynamic state, seismic risk
Modeling of the geological environment stress-strain state during construction (part 2)
UDC 550.34.06
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.36.1.008
The article presents the description and results of the implementation of regional and local mathematical models, created to address the problem of estimating stresses, deformations and displacements in the geological environment. In the regional model, the main factors, causing the occurrence of stresses, displacements and deformations of the geological environment, are the inhomogeneities of the anomalous gravitational field distribution in isostatic reduction and the features of the Moho surface relief. To describe a local deterministic model, which is employed to estimate the stress-strain state of a three-dimensional elastic space, the displacement equations, solved by the Galerkin method, are utilized. Computer versions of models, provided with digital information, open up fundamentally new opportunities for the construction sector in carrying out the tasks of assessment, analysis and forecasting of the geological environment seismic characteristics. Mathematical models and calculations, obtained with their application, are a reliable basis in the field of design and construction of buildings and structures under difficult geological conditions. Survey work and the construction itself require significant material, technical and financial resources. It is concluded that the use of modern digital technologies for assessing, analyzing and predicting seismic risks reduces unjustified losses and develops the intellectual component of the methods exploited as well as methods of design surveys.
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Keywords: construction, computer modeling, geological environment, stress-dynamic state, seismic risk
For citation: Minaev V.A., Stepanov R.O. Modeling of the geological environment stress-strain state during construction (part 2). Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2022;10(1). URL: DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2022.36.1.008 (In Russ).
Received 11.10.2021
Revised 13.01.2022
Accepted 25.02.2022
Published 31.03.2022