Keywords: transient analysis, transmission line, oscillating circuit, stiff system, simulation accuracy
UDC 621.372:519.622
This paper considers the problems of testing time-domain simulation algorithms for various classes of electronic circuits. The problem of development test tasks for evaluating the effectiveness of algorithms for numerical simulation of electronic circuits in the time domain becomes particularly actual due to the continuous upgrading of these algorithms. The aim of this work is development and verification of the model of test circuit, which makes it possible to estimate the efficiency of modern algorithms for transient analysis of various classes of radio engineering devices. The multisection model of circuit with distributed parameters (the multisection LC-circuit) is proposed as the test circuit. The original technique is proposed for determining the analytical expression of the multisection LC-circuit step response. The accuracy estimation of the base algorithms for transient analysis in modern circuit simulators (Gear and trapezoidal algorithms) was conducted using the proposed test circuit. It is shown that the model of the test circuit can be oscillating and stiff simultaneously. The stiffness of the model is directly proportional to its dimension. Thus, the model of the transmission line is a scalable test problem that allows to evaluate the effectiveness of various numerical algorithms of transient analysis.
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Keywords: transient analysis, transmission line, oscillating circuit, stiff system, simulation accuracy
For citation: Pilipenko A.M., Fadeeva A.B. APPLICATION OF MULTISECTION MODEL OF TRANSMISSION LINE FOR TESTING ALGORITHMS OF TRANSIENT ANALYSIS IN EDA PACKAGES. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2017;5(4). URL: DOI: (In Russ).
Published 31.12.2017