Анализ спектрально эффективных схем модуляции, применяемых в высокоскоростных системах радиосвязи
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Научный журнал Моделирование, оптимизация и информационные технологииThe scientific journal Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology
Online media
issn 2310-6018

Analysis of spectrally efficient modulation schemes used in high-speed radio communication systems

Novosadov K.S.  

UDC 621.391
DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.32.1.008

  • Abstract
  • List of references
  • About authors

A significant growth of the number of information sources requires an appropriate increase for the channel and communication links capacity. However, with consideration of the physical and geographical conditions of the Russian Federation, it is can not be always possible to develop a terrestrial communication infrastructure. If the terminal devices are located at a significantly distance from the fixed telecommunication network, it is advisable to use broadband radio systems to transmit the required amount of information. Currently, high speed Ka/Q-band satellite systems are being created in Russia and around the world using geostationary communication satellites. These systems serve wide areas, providing subscribes with broadband access services to remote information and telecommunication resources. This is achieved through the use of multibeam antennas, which provides a high effective isotropic radiated power and quality factor of the satellite receiving antennas in extended coverage areas, and thus creates conditions for the use of relatively simple subscribers terminals. Besides, one of the ways to increase the capacity of radio links for various purposes is to use spectrally efficient digital transmission methods. Thus, DVB-S2 channels, used in the forward satellite links use amplitude phase shift keying (APSK). In this paper we obtain a mathematical expressions for calculating error probability of an uncoded 16APSK and 32APSK signals. The analytical results are interpreted in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio (Es/N0), which allows forecasting the quality of radio channel for data transmition and forward satellite link availability of high-speed satellite communication systems.

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2. Goldsmith A. Wireless Communications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2005

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4. Peskov S.N., Ishenko A.E. Raschet veroyatnosti oshibki v cifrovyh kanalah svyazi. Telesputnik. 2010;11(181):70–75. (In Russ)

5. European Telecommunications Standard Institute. ETSI EN 302 307 V1.2.1. Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). Second generation framing structure, channel coding and modulation systems for broadcasting, interactive services, news gathering and other broadband satellite applications (DVB S2). Sophia Antipolis: ETSI. 2009

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Novosadov Kirill Sergeevich

eLibrary |

Military academy of communication of Marshall of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Keywords: amplitude phase shift keying, constellation diagram, signal detection, error probability, radiocommunication

For citation: Novosadov K.S. Analysis of spectrally efficient modulation schemes used in high-speed radio communication systems. Modeling, Optimization and Information Technology. 2021;9(1). Available from: https://moitvivt.ru/ru/journal/pdf?id=896 DOI: 10.26102/2310-6018/2021.32.1.008 (In Russ).


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Published 31.03.2021